Well, welcome to my blog. This is my second post in my blog . So i will sharing my experience to you when i was doing tour at Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Nature Field Trip On 14th-16th October 2019. This field trip was held in 3 days at Toraja Regency. From Makassar city to Toraja, it takes about 8 hours. The main activity of this tour is Trekking and visit some place like Lokomata, Mentirotiku, Lempo, Bori and traditional market of Toraja Regency. We stayed in a hotel Indra at Rantepao, North Toraja.

On the first day, we gathered at Makassar Tourism Polytechnic in the morning. After four hours, we stopped at Barru Regency exactly Kupa Beach restaurant to get lunch. After lunch we continue to Toraja.


Next, we continued our trip and headed to Bambapuang at Enrekang Regency to take a rest and have some coffee or tea break. In this place, there are so many thing that can we enjoy, like restaurant and the most amazing thing is the beautiful view of mountains, Gunung Nona mountain or Erotic Mountain.


After coffee break, we heading to North Toraja. When we arrived in Rantepao, North Toraja we did a check in and get ready for dinner at the local restaurant. After dinner, we back to the hotel to take a rest.

On the second day, we take a breakfast in the morning at restaurant hotel. After breakfast, we heading to ‘Lokomata’. During the trip to Lokomata, we saw nice scenery along the way. And then we continue the trip to Lokomata. After we arrive in Lokomata, we saw so much dew mist and there is so many stone grave. Toraja people always save their family corpse in to the stone. And before they save the corpse, they held a ceremony called Rambusolo.

From Lokomata we started our soft trekking to Mentirotiku it takes about 2 hours. While we were trekking, we saw many things about nature. From the life of Toraja people, the traditional houses, and many other. After we arrived at Mentirotiku, we getting lunch at restaurant in Mentirotiku and take a rest for a while. After take a lunch, we heading to Lempo. Lempo is the start point of trekking.

During the trekking, we saw many things such as mutual working of Toraja people, palm wine, how they make a traditional house called Tongkonan, carving, stone grave, baby grave and many things.

It such a nice field trip in this semester. After we trekking, we take a rest for a while and heading to Todi’ by bus. It tooks time about 20 minutes. Todi’ is place where we can saw how toraja people weaving and ou can buy some souvenirs too such as t-shirt, Toraja coffee, bag, and many other.

After Todi’, we back to the hotel by walking and prepare to get dinner at the restaurant near the hotel. After dinner, we back to the hotel to take a rest.

On the last day, we take a breakfast and after that check out hotel. After check out, we back to Makassar city. but we stopped by the Lakipadada Statue and we continued our trip and stopped at ‘Bambapuang’ to take a coffee break before we left Enrekang. After that we continue to Pare-pare and take a lunch at the Teras Empang restaurant.

After getting lunch, we heading to Makassar city and we arrived at Makassar about 8pm.

Well, it such an amazing field trip in this semester. Many things we can learned from this tour.

Thank you so much for visit my blog. God bless you!😇 xoxo❤


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